Frequently Asked Questions

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What are the eligibility requirements?

You are eligible for a Loan through Today's Finance Company, if you meet the criteria below, in addition you must also meet our underwriting criteria to obtain a loan from our Lender network.
  • You are at least 18 years able to enter into a binding contract.
  • You are a US citizen.
  • You must be employed or be self employed, have sufficient income, or have expect to work in the next 90 days and have an offer of employment.
  • Loan eligibility also depends on a number of additional factors, including your financial history, credit scores, and monthly income vs. expenses.

What can a debt consolidation loan be used for?

Debt consolidation loans are typically used to pay off multiple debts of different interest rates and repayment dates and terms. Consolidating these into a single loan can provide a single loan payment and may result in a lower interest rate and help manage the monthly expenses less confusing.

What debts can I consolidate?

A debt consolidation loan allows you to consolidate credit card debts, medical bills, car loans, student loans or other unsecured debt. For many, debt consolidation can bring financial freedom and peace of mind. A more simple one payment process compared to managing multiple debts each month. 

What repayment options are available?

Repayments are made in monthly installments. Personal Loan repayment options may provide your choice of 24, 36, 48 or 60 month terms. There may be other repayment options available upon the approval of your loan.

How much can I borrow?

Today's Finance Company will determine the available total loan for you based on the qualifying factors listed in the eligibility requirements. The range provided through or lender market place may range from $5,000 up to $60,000 depending on your state of residence.

Is a personal loan secured or unsecured?

The Today's Finance Company products provide for unsecured loan. There is no collateral required for the loan.

How long does it take to receive the funds?

Once your application is completed, documents are verified and the loan is approved, you will receive a Loan Agreement for electronic signature. Upon loan document electronically signed, we will give you a call to confirm your address and other information for the delivery of your funds. Which is generally available within a few days.

How are funds disbursed?

Funds are sent directly to your personal bank account under your name. Payoff of the debts to be consolidated may be required. 

What areas do you serve?

We proudly serve clients not only in Lake Forest, CA but also across most of the United States, ensuring financial support is accessible.

What are the eligibility criteria for personal loans?

Eligibility varies based on factors such as credit history, income, and loan amount. Our team will guide you through the process to determine your eligibility.

How long does the loan approval process take?

The timeline can vary, but our experts work diligently to ensure a smooth and efficient mortgage approval process, keeping you informed every step of the way.

Can I refinance my existing business loan?

Yes, we offer personal loan options to help you secure better terms and potentially lower your monthly payments.

What is the minimum credit score required to qualify for a personal loan?

While the minimum credit score requirement can vary, we strive to work with individuals from diverse financial backgrounds. We consider factors beyond just the credit score when evaluating loan applications.

How do I know if I need debt consolidation?

 If you find yourself struggling to manage multiple debts, debt consolidation might be a suitable solution. Our experts can assess your financial situation and recommend the best approach to help simplify your payments.

What sets Today's Finance Company apart from other financial institutions?

Our commitment to personalized service, tailored solutions, and our deep expertise in the financial industry set us apart. We're dedicated to helping you achieve your financial goals with confidence.

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Contact Details

Today's Finance Company, LLC

Empowering your financial future with innovative solutions.
Company NMLS: # 2503013
AZ CL-1048356
AL RES 097348

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